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Becoming a Dementia Friendly business or organisation
Dementia Friendly Cowbridge together with Rotary has produced a booklet as a guide to becoming dementia friendly for local businesses that you can download here. There is also information on the Dementia Friendly Cardiff website. (
A representative of your business will be provided with resources to identify some simple, low-cost actions that can be taken at a time to suit you.
These actions can include:
become a Dementia Friend by accessing a free information session available from Alzheimer’s Society
review the accessibility of your business premises using a specially produced environment checklist
signpost people affected by dementia to the resources and support available to them
Taking action, no matter how small, will mean that your business will become more welcoming and accessible for people living with dementia and those people caring for them.
It will also mean that people affected by dementia can visit their local businesses - with confidence – and you can be certain you are helping to make a difference to the lives of your customers living or working in the Vale of Glamorgan and also to your staff.
There is no cost in becoming Dementia Friendly, it’s a straightforward process and your business will become recognised in the local community as being welcoming and accessible to people affected by dementia.
You can find more about the journey of becoming a Dementia Friendly business or organisation by visiting the Marie Curie Wales You Tube channel. Click here or use the QR code.