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Who are we?

We are a recently formed steering group comprising local councillors and

representatives from various charities and health, emergency and voluntary services in the area. We are working towards making Llantwit Major a 'Dementia Friendly’ town by engaging local organisations and businesses and co-ordinating activities and facilities within the town to support those with dementia and their carers and families. We are liaising closely with the Vale of Glamorgan dementia officers and older people’s services, as well as with other ‘Dementia Friendly’ groups in the county.

What are our aims?

We want to make Llantwit Major a ‘Dementia Friendly’ community and to understand better the needs of those living with dementia, as well as to empower them to live full and rewarding lives through the provision of appropriate attitudes and facilities.

Specifically, our objectives are to:

  • Raise awareness of the issues faced by those living with dementia.

  • Facilitate access to professional advice and expertise, for example as provided by the Alzheimer’s Society.

  • Provide up to date information, for example on the web site and in print about what is provided for those experiencing dementia in Llantwit Major.

  • Liaise with local shops and businesses, building on the work started by the ‘Dementia Listens’ campaign, and provide window stickers, mats, leaflets etc. for them.

  • Liaise with local schools, care homes, the emergency services etc.

  • Help to provide safe social inclusive activities and appropriate transport.

  • Provide/facilitate dementia training sessions.

  • Initiate an annual ‘Dementia Friendly’ open day.

  • Raise funds for the major dementia charities to aid research and increase

  • awareness of lifestyle choices that may help reduce the incidence of the

  • disease.

What do we do?

Currently, our main ‘Dementia Friendly’ activity is the Memory Café, which takes place in the Catholic Church Hall on Ham Lane every second and fourth Tuesday in the month between 2.00 and 4.00 p.m. It caters for those with dementia ad their families and carers. Participants enjoy refreshments and a chat and various types of entertainment, such as a violinist, a harpist and the ukulele band. The cafe is a ‘safe place’ where members feel welcome and are able to relax. All those experiencing any form of dementia and their carers and families are welcome.

There are also several other activities held regularly in the town that those with dementia may wish to attend, such as Ageing Well, With Music in Mind and the Chatty Café. Details of all such activities can be found by contacting GVS at CF61 or the Town Council.

We also liaise closely with our local MP and MS, who are very supportive.

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